Altamont Gardens Visit
Altamont Gardens is in Tullow, Co. Carlow, its a 16 hectare garden with formal and natural areas and a riverside walk. It also is home to Altamont Plant sales and a coffee shop. It was gifted to the Irish nation by Corona North, the last owner, on her death. We’ve been going there since my children were babies, I think we know every inch of the place! Since the court case about it’s ownership was settled a number of years ago, the place has had a new life breathed into it. It’s a popular spot for gardeners and has a forest and river walk, a 100 old stone steps feature and much more.
A lamb greets us as I park (to be be the grass is often greener on the other side!!)
Altamont is well known for its snowdrops and if you thought there was only one type , like me for many years, Altamont will show you all the different varieties and introduce you to the world of galanthophiles (snowdrop collectors). It also has an impressive amount of hellebores. It’s been a joy to see how much these have been introduced over the last few years. The plant sales area has an incredible selection of them to purchase. I usually end up buying a new one each year to add to my very small collection.
Beautiful Camelia in bloom
Altamont Gardens has an impressive amount of Camelias and Rhododendrons, with the Camelias bringing some incredible beauty and colour in February.
Beautiful Snowdrops
Part of the Hellebore walkway.
Magnolia getting ready to bloom at the Lake
The lake at Altamont is a man made one and is home to many plants and birds as well as being a beautiful feature. The formal gardens at the back of the house direct you towards the lake. I personally find it spectacular in Autumn when the variety of trees and leaf colours are truly special. We’ve been there in winter when the lake has been frozen solid. and skipped pebbles across it! Altamont is home to much wildlife such as Irish hares, a magical sight for anyone.
This years purchase. Could you have left it behind?
The Corona North Walled Garden getting ready for spring
The sweetest smelling Daphne
The Daphne above is called Jacqueline Postill and the scent is so beautiful in winter. If you walk near this shrub you will be hit with the sweetest scent. Daphnes are very slow growing I find, and quite pricey. I bought a very very smallest one and I’ll have to wait patiently for years but wait I will! The flowers are followed by purple/ black berries.
Hellbores sitting happily with snowdrops in a shaded area in Altamont.
If you are interested in snowdrops or Hellebores it is worth visiting Altamont before the month is out! It closes at 4.30pm at this time of year and its free in but you need to pay a flat rate of Euro2 for parking at the machine. If you do go I hope you enjoy your trip and be sure to count the 100 steps if you venture down by the river walk!